Strasbourg universities
More than 45,000 students, of whom are about 6000 foreign,
study at Strasbourg's three universities, which are grouped into
one Pôle Universitaire Européen (European University Center).
- The Université Louis Pasteur
(U.L.P. or Strasbourg I),
science and medical school, is known for its advanced level of comprehensive research (a Nobel prize and 9 members of the Academy of Science).
- The Université Marc Bloch
(U.M.B. or Strasbourg II), Arts and Sciences, offers courses in 25 foreign languages.
- The Université Robert Schuman
(U.R.S. or Strasbourg III), predominantly law-oriented, specializes in International and European Law.
The "Pôle universitaire européen" is an association of the three
Strasbourg universities and the three local authorities
(the Alsace region, the Bas-Rhin department and the Strasbourg urban district council).
Information for international students and researchers.
Intelus: Informations télématiques des Universités de Strasbourg
- Présentation des universités. Enseignement, structures, vie étudiante.